The Fund for Temporary Housing in Vienna stands for competence, customer orientation and motivated, responsible employees. The company's high reputation is based on this. Acting in accordance with the law is therefore a matter of course. The Fund for Temporary Housing in Vienna attaches great importance to ensuring compliance and is aware of its responsibility with regard to compliance with laws, guidelines, contracts and voluntary codes.
Compliance refers to the comprehensive observance of all laws, regulations and guidelines as well as contractual obligations and voluntary commitments. Violations can lead to public criticism, loss of reputation, liability claims and fines.
In order to reduce or avoid the risk of both violations of the law and internal rule violations in advance, the Code of Conduct and the Compliance Management System came into force and were communicated to employees with effect from March 1, 2019. The Code of Conduct applies to all employees and conveys the principles and values of the Fund for Temporary Housing in Vienna. Our internal compliance management system ensures that all transactions and processes are carried out in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, official orders, contractual obligations and internal company policies and instructions.
Whistleblower system
The EU directive on the protection of persons who report violations of Union law ("EU Whistleblowing Directive") came into force in December 2021 and was implemented with the Whistleblower Protection Act. In accordance with the EU directive, the law provides for the establishment of a body for the confidential reporting of violations of EU law.
Due to the Whistleblower Protection Act, we have set up a whistleblowing reporting channel for the authorized group of people. You can reach this ombudsman's office using the following contact details:
- as an employee, please contact the internal company office
- as an external person, please use the Vienna whistleblower system of the City of Vienna